Lawrence Wyatt

Killing Time

Main Title

For this neo-noir series of short films, the hero of the main titles is a vintage jukebox that introduces each chapter and acts as a “spinning wheel of fate”, setting the different narratives in motion.

Role: Creative Direction, Design, Animation, Compositing, Editing
Client: Kiss & Kill Films

Director: Terry Rietta
Executive Producer: Simon Wallon
Sound Design: Stephen Dewey, Machine Head
Music Mix: Adam Sanborne
Director of Photography: Thai Do
Hand Model: Amy Knerl
Production Support: Aroon Wyatt
Previs and 3d support: Gabriela Gorostieta
Storyboards: Janet Chan
Music tracks: Amon Tobin - Bridge & Tommy Guerrero - Red For Green

Special thanks to Don Muller at Jukeboxes Unlimited. A true master craftsman who tirelessly restores these great machines.